ExtJS and ASP.NET MVC 3: CRUD DataGrid

This short tutorial will walk though the implementation of DataGrid using ExtJS 3.3.1 andASP.NET MVC 3. In this tutorial I focus more on the integration of the front-end, so you will not find any database code. Whenever we deal with data we usually create, read/retrieve, update or delete them. ExtJS provides a great data grid component andContinue reading “ExtJS and ASP.NET MVC 3: CRUD DataGrid”

Web Service via Data Access Object Pattern

Introduction Access to the data source varies depending on the source of data. Access to persistent storage, such as to a database, varies greatly depending on the type of storage and vendor implementation. The ODBC API enables applications to use SQL statements. However, even within RDBMS environments, the actual syntax and format of SQL statementsContinue reading “Web Service via Data Access Object Pattern”