Facebook Share

The Share button has been deprecated in favor of the Like button, and will no longer be supported.Please use the Like button whenever possible to drive maximum traffic to your apps. Implementing Facebook Share You can render the Facebook Share button in an anchor (<a>) tag that takes the following attributes: name: You must specify fb_share for this attribute.Continue reading “Facebook Share”

How to Customize your Facebook Fan Box

With the addition of a facebook fan box to your website you’re not only benefiting your end users but also yourself. The fb fan box allows users to directly view how many friends you have on your facebook page and also allows them to become a fan with just one click. The only potential downsidesContinue reading “How to Customize your Facebook Fan Box”

How To Create a Cool Animated Menu with jQuery

In this tutorial we’ll be building a cool navigation list complete with a sliding hover effect. Learn how to build the concept in Photoshop, lay out the basic HTML elements, style everything up in CSS then tie it all together with a few lines of jQuery to create a semantic, accessible and degradable menu design.Continue reading “How To Create a Cool Animated Menu with jQuery”

How to Hide Content until Someone ‘Likes’ Your Facebook Fan Page

Hiding content from Facebook users until they ‘Like’ your fan page is a great way to increase the amount of fans following your page by giving users extra incentive to actually want to ‘Like’ your fan page. By utilizing fb:visible-to-connection a handy piece of built in FBML code we will be able to easily hideContinue reading “How to Hide Content until Someone ‘Likes’ Your Facebook Fan Page”