Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function

I had the exact same problem and I was struggling around many hours until I saw your entry here. Then I started over from scratch and now it works for me at least. requirejs.config({ baseUrl:’/js/’, paths:{ jquery:’vendor/jquery’, handlebars: ‘vendor/handlebars’, text: ‘vendor/require-text’, chaplin:’vendor/chaplin’, underscore:’vendor/underscore’, backbone:’vendor/backbone’, highcharts: ‘vendor/highcharts’ }, shim: { backbone: { deps: [‘underscore’, ‘jquery’], exports:Continue reading “Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function”

Unit Testing Backbone.js Apps With QUnit And SinonJS

This article will be appearing in my forthcoming book on Backbone.js and continues the section on unit testing. We previously looked at Jasmine and will now look at QUnit and SinonJS. QUnit is a powerful JavaScript test suite written by jQuery team member Jörn Zaefferer and used by many large open-source projects (such as jQuery and Backbone.js) to testContinue reading “Unit Testing Backbone.js Apps With QUnit And SinonJS”

A Quick Code Igniter and JQuery Ajax Tutorial

This tutorial assumes a basic working knowledge of Code Igniter. If you have never used CI before, please refer to the framework documentation In the old days (2 years ago), working the Javascript magic to create a cool AJAX based event took a fairly decent working knowledge of the mechanisms behind the process. With theContinue reading “A Quick Code Igniter and JQuery Ajax Tutorial”